Tuesday, June 14, 2011

kitchen know-how>Betty Crocker circa 1961

When you read what I blog about I promised some humor. In todays rush rush hurry hurry times I found the following humorous. I am not picking on it, I just thought it was kind of far reaching.

Every morning before breakfast, comb hair, apply makeup and a dash of cologne. Does wonders for your morale and your family's too!
Think pleasant thoughts while working and a chore will become a "labor of love"
Have a hobby. Garden, pain pictures, look through magazines for home planning ideas, read a good book or attend a club meetings. Be interested-and you'll always be interesting!
If you have a spare moment, sit down, close your eyes and just relax.

Wear comfortable shoes and easy-fitting clothes while working.
Stand erect. Good posture prevents fatigue.
Have sink, work table, counter tops at height that is comfortable to eliminate strain. If dishpan is set too low, set it on a box.
Use a dust mop and long handled dust pan. Use self-wringing mop to prevent stooping.

Some of it is useful to know the rest was just for fun.

1 comment:

Shanna said...

I love this. Fun to learn is great and timeless information.I enjoyed it!